Why Community Validated?

Many businesses fail because they build products and services for problems that nobody struggles with.

The solution: find real problems that people already complain about and develop products/services that solve them!

Our weekly newsletter helps you with exactly that. Every week, we study online communities where real people talk about the problems they have. We gather those problems, curate the most promising ones, and propose business solutions to them.

We call those business opportunities “community-based”: the problems those businesses solve are based in the communities we study. Building community-based businesses comes with significant advantages:

  1. Through the community, you can easily co-create your business with your customers.

  2. It’ll be easy to find your first users in the communities you’re serving.

  3. Communities can serve as your distribution channel.

Subscribe to our free newsletter today to discover community-based business opportunities that solve real problems!


Moritz & Matthias

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Discover business opportunities in the fastest-growing online communities.


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